Geometry & Texture Mystery MAL – my first pattern: The “Rödön” Cushion

A big, big thank you to all of you who already joined our mystery MAL. Lilla Björn Crochet released her first pattern- THE EARLY WAVES COWL last Friday and it just outstanding as all of her work.

My first pattern is a cushion made in Scheepjes Terrazzo and i t is called “Rödön”. Rödon is a very small town near by. When i visited the church in Rödön I was inspired by a huge, weaved wall hanging made in the 1930s by a well known local weaver called Alexander Berger. I just took a quick photography with my mobile, which you can see below and started to adapt it.

The “Rödön” Cushion is my first of three mystery patterns that are part of the Geometry and Texture MAL.

The cushion is crocheted in the one-row mosaic technique and has a double border so you do not have to weave or sew in the loose ends.

The cushion is 60cm x 40cm which are quite common measurements. So you can simply sew the crochet rectangle on a pillow cover or crochet a second rectangle with the same measurement.

The pattern is highly adaptable and “never-ending” so you can easily use it as a blanket pattern. My cushion is based on 2 repeats in width and one repeat in height. It uses 2 balls of color “Prossecco”, 2 balls of color ” Verde Bottiglia” and the border uses one ball of color “Acero”. Buy your yarn at your local Scheepjes Dealers or order your Scheepjes yarn at Wool Warehouse if you do not have a yarn store near by.

Official support for this MAL will be offered in Tatsiana’s Facebook group HERE where we will be happy to see all your pictures! Join now our friendly community with 33K+ members. Please, be aware that you will have to answer a simple question upon a sing up. Without answering, your request will not be approved.

I hope you enjoy this pattern and adapt and adjust it to your own needs and wishes. I am looking forward to see your versions on social media.

Let´s crochet. Have fun. More to come soon from Up North…

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